
Wordpress without administrative support is for experienced Wordpress developers who want total control over their web site. They can design and build it as they see fit. The site owner is responsible for applying updates as required, performing backups, restoring files as needed and making sure their site is secure.

Wordpress with Administrative Support is for Wordpress developers and/or site owners who want to use Wordpress but don't want to deal with updates, backups and security. For those customers, JMT Services will perform updates, do daily backups and monitor security. Restores of backed up files and Wordpress assistance are available.

WordPress Web Sites Built for You! Let JMT Services build a WordPress web site for you. We provide hosting, install and configure the software, build the web site structure and populate it with your content.

Blog Sites Blog sites allow you to create your own content. We can setup the site and teach you how to generate your own blogs posts. Whether you want to share pictures with friends and family or you want to be a social influencer, a WordPress blog site is an easy way to do it. JMT Services built a blog site for personal use at https://jmtx2.com. Check it out.

Business Site If your small business needs a web site, let JMT Services build you a web site that highlights your business. The site can quickly inform your potential clients about the products and services that you offer. Using blog posts you can highlight recent projects or new product offerings. To see an example of a small business site see https://jaetaylordesigns.com.

E-Commerce Site Ready to sell online? We can build you an online store and teach you how to use it. To see a site that we built please go to https://thegaitsofchelle.com.
