Personal Web Sites

There are many reasons to have your own web site. You may want your own presence on the web for professional reasons, you may want to own your email addresses regardless of who your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or you may want to share pictures with your friends and family. Perhaps you want to get into blogging and become an Internet influencer. With JMT Services LLC you have many options.

E-Mail Focused web sites are very simple web sites which generally have a single web page that users can see. The real benefit comes with having one or more email addresses that use your own domain name. With these sites you have the ability to have email addresses for yourself and your family. There are many options:

  • Have an email address that is only given to friends and family.
  • Have an email address that is only given to businesses.
  • Using a catch-all to capture all emails sent to a domain. Then you can give each business you deal with its own e-mail address. Then if you start getting spam on that address you can blacklist it and never receive any more spam.
  • E-mail forwarding allows email sent to an address to be forwarded to another address. Works well when used in conjunction with the catch-all capability.
  • Blacklist email addresses. Stop receiving email on specific compromised email addreses.

Personal Blogging implemented using Wordpress. These sites allow you to have conventional web pages and an easy way to post blog entries.

Photo sharing can easily be done with a simple web site. You can allow the public to view your photos or you can limit access to just specific people.

CRM, Project Management, and other types of open source can be easily deployed for your personal use. Access can be restricted to only those who need access. There are a great deal of quality open source applications readily available. We can install the applications and assist you with their configuration and administration.

JMT Services is ready and able to help you with your personal web site needs. We can assist as much or as little as is required.
